Online Coaching via Zoom:
Whenever and wherever you want

Online Coaching:
The focus is on you and your resources.

My focus lays on the personal development of individuals, and I accompany them through their transformative and decision-making processes. If you are currently dealing with important changes, whether it be a career reorientation, career decisions, general indecisiveness, or simply a lack of focus on the things that matter to you, then systemic coaching is exactly what you need.

Online Coaching, Executive Coaching, Business Coaching, Coaching

This is about solutions! Your solutions.

In a world full of exaggerated promises and unrealistic expectations, I offer you genuine systemic coaching. No illusions, no utopian promises, but a pragmatic approach to finding solutions. As an experienced coach, I focus on working together with you to create ways to overcome challenges and reach your goals. Systemic coaching is based on the belief that you already have the resources and skills within yourself to bring about change.

systemisches coaching, Online Coaching, Executive Coaching, Business Coaching, Coaching

What is systemic coaching?

As a coach using a systemic approach, I accompany you with empathy and appreciation. I ask targeted questions to understand your relationships, patterns, and influences. My focus is on activating your own strengths and resources. Together we explore how you can achieve your goals. I avoid constantly focusing on problems. Instead, I offer impulses and various practical methods to guide you towards your own solution. I support you in discovering and utilizing your hidden potentials. Together, we reflect to deepen your understanding. I help you make conscious decisions and build self-confidence. Your own steps towards achieving your goals are at the center. Systemic coaching, with me as a coach, promotes change by discovering and utilizing resources to find constructive solutions.

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What topics are suitable for systemic coaching?

In your life, there are various subjects that are suitable for systemic coaching. Whether you're facing a career change<, seeking personal growth, or dealing with challenges, systemic coaching can be helpful in many areas such as
career development and reorientation
setting and achieving personal goals
- strengthen leadership and management skills
- deal with changes and transitions
- discover and unleash your own potential
- improve time management and organization.

Online Coaching, Executive Coaching, Business Coaching, Coaching

Steps of the coaching process

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All about systemic coaching .....

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Every coaching session is unique and tailored to your individual needs. However, there is a certain structure that we follow during the session to ensure it is successful and satisfying for you personally.

Shared goal-setting: Our session often starts with us establishing your specific goals and concerns for coaching. This helps us understand the focus of our collaboration and offer you tailored support.

Reflection and exploration: I encourage you to talk about your current thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to the chosen topic. This promotes self-reflection and awareness of your situation.

Shared clarification and deepening: Together, we further explore your topic by answering questions, considering possible perspectives, and delving deeper into the details. This helps us develop a more comprehensive understanding.

Targeted strategies: I support you in developing specific steps and strategies to achieve your goals. This may include identifying action steps, setting milestones, or creating an action plan.

Overcoming challenges together: We discuss possible challenges or obstacles that may arise and work together to find solutions to overcome them.

Using strengths and resources: I help you recognize and utilize your strengths, skills, and resources to support your goals.

Closure and outlook: Our session often concludes with a summary of the discussed points, setting next steps, and looking ahead to future sessions.

As your coach, I am your trusted companion on your journey of personal development and change. My role is to support, encourage, and inspire you as you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential.

No Expertise or Advice:
It is important to emphasize that I am not an expert in your specific topic, and my role is not to provide concrete advice or solutions. Instead, I support you in gaining your own insights and making decisions that fit your individual needs.

Listener and Supporter:
I listen attentively to you without judgment, with full presence and appreciation. I understand and appreciate that you are the expert on your own life, and my role is to help you find your own answers. I am here to support you when you struggle to find clarity and to accompany you on your path as you overcome obstacles.

Challenger and Motivator:
I challenge you to go beyond your limits and explore new perspectives. Together we will find ways for you to use your strengths and grow from your challenges. I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and take bold steps towards your goals.

Mirror and Reflector:
As a coach, I also serve as a mirror, giving you feedback and helping you recognize your own thought patterns and behaviors. Together we reflect on your progress, celebrate your successes and learn from the challenges.

Confidential Partner:
Your privacy and confidentiality are of the utmost importance. You can be assured that our conversations take place in a safe space where you can speak openly about your thoughts, feelings, and goals.

Systemic coaching is for anyone who desires positive changes in their life and is ready to actively work towards them. Whether you are in a personal or professional transition phase, seeking new perspectives, or looking to overcome obstacles, systemic coaching provides a valuable space for self-reflection, inspiration, and growth.

Perhaps you feel trapped in a dead-end situation or want to define your goals more clearly. Maybe you are facing an important decision and want to ensure that you make the right choice. Or you simply want to reach your full potential and steer your life in a direction that feels right for you.

Regardless of your background or goals, systemic coaching can help you organize your thoughts, discover new solutions, and set you on the path you desire. It is a journey of personal growth where you utilize your resources, overcome challenges, and develop towards a fulfilled and authentic life.

No matter where you are in your journey or what you want to achieve, systemic coaching is a valuable support towards a positive and fulfilling life. I warmly invite you to experience this transformative experience of systemic coaching with me.

What is coaching? Coaching is a powerful partnership between you and me, in which we work together to achieve your goals and unlock your full potential. I accompany you on your journey, help you gain clarity, support you in developing strategies and encourage you to make changes. Coaching is an inspiring journey that enables you to overcome challenges and bring positive changes in different areas of your life.   

What is Coaching Not? Coaching is not a quick fix or a magical pill that solves all your problems overnight. It is not therapy primarily focused on addressing psychological issues. Likewise, it is not counseling where specific advice or solutions are provided from an external source. Coaching is rather an interactive partnership where you are actively engaged in the process, and your personal growth is promoted through self-reflection and action.

Are Coaching, Therapy, and Counseling the Same?
Although coaching, therapy, and counseling offer similar elements of support, they have different focuses and approaches.

Coaching focuses on achieving goals, personal growth, and developing new skills.

Therapy aims to treat mental health issues and promote emotional healing.

Counseling provides concrete advice and solutions for specific problems or situations. It’s important to recognize that these services serve different purposes and should be chosen based on your needs.


My coaching services are accessible to people of all genders, religions, ethnicities, backgrounds, nationalities, and sexual orientations. Diversity is at the center of my approach, and I offer support in a respectful and accepting environment, regardless of your personal characteristics.

My belief is that every person is unique and has individual needs. My inclusive approach respects and supports your uniqueness. I will help you find clarity, discover new solutions, and achieve your personal goals.

My services are accessible to all people, regardless of their background or life situation. Contact me to learn more about my inclusive coaching offerings and embark on a transformative journey together.

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