Online Coaching - Training - Workshops

Online Coaching, Executive Coaching, Business Coaching, Coaching

Accompany your transformation with professional coaching and training.

I assist individuals and organizations in approaching changes and transformations in a deliberate manner. My focus is on unlocking individual potentials,  developing leaders, and handling personal as well as organizational challenges. Through coaching and training, using tried and tested tools and methods, I help to guide change, strengthen communication, and foster sustainable development. My primary aim is to help individuals and organizations to realize their full potential and to thrive in an ever-changing world. Have I caught your interest? Would you like to learn more?

Online Coaching, Executive Coaching, Business Coaching, Coaching

Online Coaching:
Life and Business Coaching for Executives and for your personal Development

As a coach, I accompany you on your journey towards personal and professional development. Our  coaching process is characterized by the creation of a secure and trusting space in which you have the opportunity to discover your potentials, grow, and set clear goals.

I support you with these topics:

  • Career Decisions
  • Profesional reorientation
  • Strengthen your leadership abilities
  • Personal Goal Setting
  • Implementation of your own goals
  • Overcome of challenging situation
  • Support with a new start
  • Discover your own potential
  • Timemanagement and Organization

Learn more about systemic coaching, my way of working and what to expect from a coaching process. 

Teamentwicklung, Online Coaching, Executive Coaching, Business Coaching, Coaching, Training, Moderation

Training, Workshops
and Team Coaching

For companies and organisations, I offer a comprehensive range of customized solutions, including individual training, facilitated workshops, and personal coaching. My goal is to support teams in developing their skills, collaborating effectively, and achieving success. In my facilitated workshops, I promote a dynamic culture of discussion where ideas flow and practical solutions emerge. With my personalized coaching, I help leaders enhance their leadership qualities and reach their goals. Discover how I can help advance your company.

systemisches coaching, Online Coaching, Executive Coaching, Business Coaching, Coaching

What is systemic Coaching?

As a coach using a systemic approach, I accompany you with empathy and appreciation. I ask targeted questions to understand your relationships, patterns, and influences. My focus is on activating your own strengths and resources. Together we explore how you can achieve your goals. I avoid constantly focusing on problems. Instead, I offer impulses and various practical methods to guide you towards your own solution. I support you in discovering and utilizing your hidden potentials. Together, we reflect to deepen your understanding. I help you make conscious decisions and build self-confidence. Your own steps towards achieving your goals are at the center. Systemic coaching, with me as a coach, promotes change by discovering and utilizing resources to find constructive solutions.

Online Coaching, Executive Coaching, Business Coaching, Coaching

Why should you choose me as
Coach for your transformation process?

Systemic Coach and Trainer certified by the reknown Ineko Institute at the University of Cologne. Over 30 years of leadership experience in international companies, in the transportation and logistics sector, with insight into team dynamics, effectiveness, and global business operations.

What clients say about me...

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